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Tuesday 26 July 2011

Confession: I'm a bookworm

Yes it's true. But I would've thought after all these blog post after blog post you would know.

And I just finished reading Harry Potter and Philosophers Stone (I have no idea why I was reading it, just for old times sake I guess(?)).
I realised I don't want to read the whole series over again, not that I'm tired of it, but I already know everything off by heart. If I was reading it for the second or third time it'll be different.
But now I have nothing to "read me to sleep" tonight (if you know what I mean(?)).
I have been thinking I should read the Hunger Games, apparently they're really good, but I don't know how long the series is or even which one is the first in the series or even where to get them for a start. I don't feel like reading the rest of Maximum Ride series.

I've tried looking up book suggestions online but they were mainly like life essentials to read.
For example; To kill a Mockingbird, I'm sorry but I don't see that book as interesting, don't care what you say, you have your opinion I have mine, leave it.

I've looked on chat rooms/discussions on a website I know ( look it up), but they were already like Harry Potter; Hunger Games, Vampire Diaries, Twilight (*gag*), etc, etc.

I'm just not in the mood for any Vampire books, and Vampire Academy just looks like a vomit marathon waiting to happen inside my stomach/mouth.

I've read all the Shopaholics.

And I'm not really in the mood for books about Angels, forbidden love and a load of useless Damsel in Distresses (Fallen put me off that one, but Twilight already made it clear Damel in Distress is no fun to read).

So basically I wrote this blog post to complain about how no book will ever be good enough for me.
"Why did you do that to us Alice?"
No idea. Sorry Forum.

I've just realised what a picky bitch I am about books.

Maybe I should read City of (insert object here, I have no idea what the first book is).
Or Hunger Games.......

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