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Tuesday 30 August 2011

The mean things boys do just for laughs

-Have bets on girls (how fast/easily they can get them to go out with them, how fast/easily they can get girls to fall in love with them, etc., etc. Basically they have fun and the girl gets hurt feelings/ego and looks like an idiot).
-Experiments (How many girls can I date at once without getting caught?).
-Yell "HEY! SEXY!" then say "Ooohhh... Oops not you".
-Rate girls out of ten (publicly, and yes this actually happens, once to Duchess of Cambridge (Catherine Middleton) when she was in high school, they will hold up numbers which is what they rated them out of ten, Catherine got a pretty low number and she had been bullied about appearance and backround before, so her mum just introduced her to make-up yaddy-yaddy-yadda).
-Shout abuse at them just to get a rise out of them or a reaction (some girls who are really self-concious might cry, they might see some girls on the verge of tears, some might shout abuse back at them.).
-Shout things like "Hey sexy, can I smack that ass?" (that has happened to me before, I told them to fuck off).
-Sneer (Boys do this to say (even though it isn't true) you aren't worthy of my presence (if you sneer like that, that means any one and every one is worthy of your presence, the people who don't sneer and are lovely to every one are the ones that should be the one that is worthy of limited peoples' presence (some people take advantange of that))).
-Very loudly have a conversation about girls who are walking past (looks, if she didn't give every thing you wanted physically she's a bitch (I hate it when guys say that, I just want to punch them in the goddamn face)).
-Pretend to aim the ball at a girls head (I always flinch (no idea why, reflex I guess)), and when they flinch it will be so motherfucking hilarious (no idea why. *shrugs*).
-Ask them to a dance/prom and then cancel at the last minute (I don't think people really do it anymore, just because they can't be stuffed, but in the old days I think they will drive by their house and laugh).

These are either based off stories I've heard from older relatives or nannies (a nanny is a caregiver) or celebrities experiences or movies or my own.

BTW not all boys are bad nor completely evil (but they do sometimes act strangely......).

This is called being "Rolled" when you cover someone's house/front yard in toilet paper, not ONLY boys do this, sometimes it's a laugh it off joke, but sometimes it is acutally a case of bullying, really depends who you are, who did it, and what kind of relationship you have between you and the person/people that did it:

Sunday 28 August 2011

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forgot to live, you do well if you chase your dreams and start to live

Today, I was in PE. Doing aerobics, I was pumped. Ready.
We learnt some moves and then we had to go into groups of five or six to add on eight counts.
And unfortunately we're the group that gets stuck with the girl with the least motivation in our class.
I can't stand people who don't have motivation.
She didn't listen, she kept messing around and distracting everyone else.
She wanted us to go on to the next step when no one was really ready for the next step (including her).
She crowded us in so we couldn't perform it properly.
And she cannot help but laugh.
I just wanted to rip my hair out and scream at her.
When it came round to performing it she didn't spread out, she wouldn't listen.
So there we are, can't to the moves properly without whacking each other in the face.
 Later she is pissed off at ME because I was pissed off that she wouldn't listen.

And don't tell me she probably has stage fright because I know she can do it.
She just gets herself so worked up about it.
Earlier this year she had to do a monologue (our whole class had to do one monologue each), and she kept stalling saying she doesn't a have her cue cards.
When it finally got round to doing it she was fanning herself before the class she had to do it for. And when she got up there she giggled like crazy.
And when we finally got her to be serious she reads first sentence, stuffs it up and cries.
I stuffed up loads of times.
She just got herself too worked up.
I swear she was more scared of the word monologue, The fear of the name increases the fear of the thing itself.
She was borrowing herself trouble.
My mum says that every time I get nervous at a customs at the airport (I'm not Terrorist, I just don't want to be fined, I will be so embarrassed, I will be bawling my eyes out).
"Don't borrow trouble Alice"
That's exactly what the girl in my class was doing.
Borrowing trouble.

Next time something you think might be the cause of something embarrassing comes into your path, Build a bridge and get over it.
Try your best, if you stuff up, that's okay because the "public" human brain is stupid, it forgets everything in five minutes.

 My message:
Love yourself, people will still support you when you stuff up.

Friday 26 August 2011

A mini Haul

Just went shopping with my mum (I needed a suitable, tasteful dress for a school dance and also needed a dress for my Great Aunt's birthday, so we decided just to buy one outfit and wear it to both events (I like to look tasteful but considering it is my Great Aunt it has to look EXTRA tasteful))
 Here is what I bought

                                                   White dress from Glassons ($70.00 NZ):

A red belt bow belt, but no picture is available since they no longer sell it on the Glassons website. Sorry.
($10.00 NZ)

Okay, this just isn't my day. I bought mud-ish coloured patterned tights, I guess you could call them fish nets, but I wouldn't they seem a little more presentable than fish nets. ($4.99 NZ)

Sorry for the lack of imagery, and sorry for my horrible descriptions.

Other things I got:

I BORROWED a book from the Library called Annexed it's Peter van Daan's point of view of the war (Anne Frank's boyfriend). I borrow from the library now rather than buy books, it is sort of my way of saving money (new rule with money, when I get pocket money that's all I get and anything I want to buy (that isn't food with family) I pay for, movies, birthday presents, DVDs (unless my mum or whole family wants to watch it), lollies etc., etc.):

Spankees (underwear type things you wear over you undies and under your dress/skirt it helps prevent visious pervert acts like upskirting or embarassing moments when you dress/skirt flies up) Farmers ($11.99 NZ). And no picture for you because I don't support stranger perverts on the internet.

Bye bye!

Thursday 25 August 2011

ALICE! You hoarder!

I own eight hats and five scarves.
That is quite a lot considering I only started really having good fashion sense in year seven.
Which was three years ago. That might not seem like a short time frame to you, but to me?
Phew. I don't even wear hats and scarves that often (one of the hats I own are super nerdy (Gryffindor beanie) and one might make people think that I think I am too cool for my own good (a "gangsta" style hat, with a dollar sign on the front and pictures of American notes (money)))
So I need a coat hanger (those ones where you hang on a wall and it has multiple hooks). And it's not even to hang my coats on!
I just want to be able to keep all my hats in scarves in one place (hats don't belong in a basket (they'll get flattened) but scarves don't belong on a dresser (it'll just make everything a lot more messier))
And don't even get me started on my bags!!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

The Bucket List

Explaination: The Buck List is a list of things to do before you die.
Visit the Playboy masion (mainly something for boys)
Eat PB&J
First Kiss
First Relationship
First Break up
Bungee Jump
Participate in some sort of charity event
Read Harry Potter (one of the most legendary books of all time)
Read To Kill a Mocking Bird
Read Dr Seuss books
Read Wuthering Heights
Read Jane Eyre
Watch The Notebook (a step every woman has to make, and some men will have to make (the woman of the men will make them make that step))
Fall in love with a Celebrity you've never met
Participate in the Lotto
 Dress up in a style you'll regret in later life (lucky for me those days were in primary school)
Write a love letter (sadly I had done and rather naively too)
Get roses
Send roses
Have an unexplainable dislike for someone
Swim in a pool with all your clothes on
Skinny dip in a pool
Skinny dip at the beach
Skinny dip off diving board
Jump into a pool with all your clothes on via diving board
Fail in something
Fail but get up and try again (done multiple times)
Get lectured
Do something really cool with your hair (dye it pink, I dunno)
Have a Sleep over
Have a Sleep over where you don't really sleep
Go to Hollywood
Go to New York
Go to Europe
Go to Disneyland
Go to Harry Potter land
Offend someone by accident
Trying not laugh when you're not meant to
Have spider in your shower
Have the worst hair cut ever (*cough Justin Bieber cough*)
Start a collection
Have an unwanted insect in your mouth (some while you sleep, I just had one now, it was sitting on my drink bottle :( )
Downloaded a song partly to support someone partly because you like the song (Youtubers or a friends band)
Go to a comedy club
Go to a concert
Protest against OR for something
Participate in some sort of flash mob
Go to the Ballet
Go to the Opera
Go to a Play
Go to a show on Broadway
Get your Wisdom teeth
Get your Wisdom teeth removed
Get a wax
Get a mini makeover
Go to a school dance
Smoke a cigarette (Highly non-reccomended by most ads and myself and will not ever tick that off the list (unless I know I'm gonna die in a days time, so I might do it to see what it's like, but probably not))
Date someone your parents don't approve of (I wouldn't go all out rebel on this one maybe just one of those ones where your parents have an unexplainable dislike for them)
Meet someone important in politics
Meet a celebrity
Brag about ancestors
Lose a close one (It isn't really a thing off the Bucket List, but it's a life experience)
Lose a pet you loved dearly
Own a goldfish
Flush that goldfish
Own a goldfish with no name
When someone asks you that name of your goldfish you say "Goldie" like you did with the rest of your goldfish
Kind of like a song of a singer you don't like, so you don't download it, but you still sing it in your head
Finally have a good comeback
For a period of time be slightly convinced that all celebrities are Robots considering that they always look perfect in magazines, you don't know them and for some reason everyone is interested in them even though they're just "ordinary people" just like "us"
Make four status updates per minute on Facebook
Read Vogue
Read Vanity Fair
Read Seventeen magazine
Be slightly disapointed when you don't get money for your birthday/christmas
Get your first pay check
Get your first job
Move houses for the first time (with family)
Move out for the first time
Rent a house for the first time
Buy a house for the first time
(First?) Marriage
First Child
(First?) Divorce (I would be more than happy to NOT to have to tick this one off)
Climb a mountain
Gap Year (?)
Travel the world in Gap year (?)
Go to a gym
Attempt to diet
Fail at attempt to diet
Win at attempt at diet (sometimes thats not always a good thing)
Be caught daydreaming
Be caught caring less about what a person is saying
Watch a chick flick (most chick flicks I watch are romantic comedy chick flicks for teenage girls)
Be ignored by friends (sad face... :/)
Be tired but still unable to sleep
Donate blood
Get Drivers license
Get a degree
Go to University
Buy something ridicuously exspensive
Swim with Dolphins (I've done so, Wild ones too! And people tried to rip away our glory (they were too scared to get in the water because it was cold) by saying how we could've been ripped apart)
Feed the sharks
Go on a road trip with friends

PS Some people might not define this as a Bucket list, but MY definition of a bucket list is life experiences that you feel you could've missed out on or everyone else does and you haven't so you do it so you can connect with those experiences

Sunday 21 August 2011

I love this


Saturday 20 August 2011

A really TINY shopping Haul

I got....
Boots from Dotti and Red Nail polish from Farmers....
That's it.

Angel Wrap Boots from Dotti ($80.00 NZ):

Red Nail Polish from Farmers ($10.00 NZ):

Friday 19 August 2011

My Brother found WHAT in his Woredrobe?

Yes Soap.
Alice in Wonderland soap in fact.
On the back? Aaahh let's see:
Contents: Picture Soap
Ooo; not test on animals

A pure soap containing oil of coconut and selected herbs specially formulated to care for the skin.

Soap Base, Fragance, Tiona AG, Coconut Acid, Herbal Blend.

And it smells good too!

Heres a picture:

Thursday 18 August 2011

Ma'am, if you'd step away from the mirror please

Don't you hate those girls that are so vain?
Like vainer than me. And that's pretty vain.
And I don't understand what makes these people so obsessed with themselves.
Some girls manage to convince themselves that some people are "following" them.
Which is utter nonsense.
And some just seem to think that life hates her.
Can we just send this bitch to Africa please?
She might be a little more grateful for what she has when she comes back.

The reason that the girl you turned down/ex-girlfriend is stalking you

It is because she is trying to get you to see what you "missed out on."
Yes it's true.
She has gotten all her romance advice from Romance books and movies.
Sorry bro.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Some books I would be more than happy to be sent to a book burner

Number one on the list Twilight (of course).
The second one is Infinite Days
The third one is Possessions.
And the fourth one is The Book of Tomorrow.
What can I say she nearly gets some guy arrested, and the last words she said to her dead father was "I hate you!".
And then the other books are just Jaqueline Wilson books I just don't like her style in writing, and still people insist on giving me Jaqueline Wilson for my birthday!
Just finished The Carrie Diaries, liked that one. Will be returning The Book of Tomorrow and The Carrie Diaries to the Wellington City library on Saturday, and get out some more books on my "I need to read" list.

My "I need to read" list:
The Carrie Diaries
The Book of Tomorrow Regretted
Chinese Cinderella
The Hunger Games
The City of Bones
I am number 4
Dear John
The Notebook
The "What if" Guy
Gypsy Wedding

Tuesday 16 August 2011

The conclusion of the conclusion

So I always have a problem with finishing assenments.
Not that I have problems with getting it in, but more of the 'conclusion'. If you don't know what a conclusion is by now, it is the reason your assenments are marked so low because you didn't know what a conclusion was or what it meant.
So let me (kind of) define it for you:
A conclusion is the end and you summarise your results or your facts, blah blah blah.
A conclusion is usually in debates, science experiments (especially like the Science Fair) and (English) essays.
And for some reason I always have trouble with my conclusions (even in my blogs).
For example, like right now, I have no idea what to write next, so I suppose this is the end.
But I don't know how to end this so I'll leave you with a nice picture of soap.

Favourite Youtubers

So I spend most of my time on Youtube, so I thought why not share what I love watching
Shane Dawson - Parodies, Vlogs and characters
Brittani Louise Taylor - Vlogs, Parodies, self-made songs and characters
makemebad35 - Funny videos
DavidBrownTV - Dating Stories
IamtheAttack - Dating Stories
What The Buck (Micheal Buckly) - News
Peter Chao - News
Phillip DeFranco - News
communitychannel (Natalie Tran) - Funny videos
Nanalew - Vlogs, Parodies and Music videos
juicystar07 (Blair Fowler) - Beauty, Fashion, and Vlogs
allthatglitters21 (Elle Fowler) - Beauty, Fashion and Vlogs
TotallySketch (Micheal Gallager) - Funny videos and Vlogs
nerimon (Alex Day) - Vlogs
charlieissocoolike (Charlie McDonald) - Vlogs and Funny videos
Ray William Johnson - Reviews viral/funny videos
Meekakitty (Tessa) - Vlogs and Music videos (eg Wizard Wrock)
Yourfavoritemartian (Ray William Johnson's band) - Music videos
Electric Fairy Dust - Vlogs
jasonmundaymusic - Music videos

Tumblr is making you suck and you're making Tumblr suck, so basically you cancel each other out

This afternoon I was in my IT class (Information Technology also know as ICT also know as Information Computer Technology), and two girls were on Tumblr.
Which isn't on topic, at all.
The thing is these two girls were obsessed with looking a pictures of girls partying, making out with boys, their clothes and best of all giving the camera the finger.
And all these photos are of girls over 16, and they have really High Definition cameras.
And I suspect these girls in my class want to be like these "Tumblr Girls". The reason is probably because it's the closest thing you're ever going to get to being a model.
And I noticed that most of these "Tumblr Girls" account names were usually dis-selfrespecting stuff like "NerdWhore", "PartyWhore" and just awful stuff! And then other names that sound really sweet and innocent like "Honeybeeezz", "Flowergirl" and just things you'd think these names belong in a childrens show.
Usually these pictures are of girls in Bikinis, Mini shorts and really short dresses.
It seems as though these girls don't realize these pictures can be "reblogged", copy and pasted, downloaded and commented on. And worst of all they stay on the internet forever 
They don't go away. Someone would've "reblogged" them, someone would've copy and pasted them. So deleting the orginial picture is no use.

Even though it seems fine now, these pictures could turn on you in later life. You couldget turned down jobs, get jobs only to find out the employer only wanted you for what he saw on the internet of you, blackmail and bullying.

And I'm not saying the Tumblr is all around bad, because there are some pretty cool people on there, like my uncle (Shout out to The Bookmark!)
But come on guys, get online wise.

Just a few examples of what I'm talking about: