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Tuesday 30 August 2011

The mean things boys do just for laughs

-Have bets on girls (how fast/easily they can get them to go out with them, how fast/easily they can get girls to fall in love with them, etc., etc. Basically they have fun and the girl gets hurt feelings/ego and looks like an idiot).
-Experiments (How many girls can I date at once without getting caught?).
-Yell "HEY! SEXY!" then say "Ooohhh... Oops not you".
-Rate girls out of ten (publicly, and yes this actually happens, once to Duchess of Cambridge (Catherine Middleton) when she was in high school, they will hold up numbers which is what they rated them out of ten, Catherine got a pretty low number and she had been bullied about appearance and backround before, so her mum just introduced her to make-up yaddy-yaddy-yadda).
-Shout abuse at them just to get a rise out of them or a reaction (some girls who are really self-concious might cry, they might see some girls on the verge of tears, some might shout abuse back at them.).
-Shout things like "Hey sexy, can I smack that ass?" (that has happened to me before, I told them to fuck off).
-Sneer (Boys do this to say (even though it isn't true) you aren't worthy of my presence (if you sneer like that, that means any one and every one is worthy of your presence, the people who don't sneer and are lovely to every one are the ones that should be the one that is worthy of limited peoples' presence (some people take advantange of that))).
-Very loudly have a conversation about girls who are walking past (looks, if she didn't give every thing you wanted physically she's a bitch (I hate it when guys say that, I just want to punch them in the goddamn face)).
-Pretend to aim the ball at a girls head (I always flinch (no idea why, reflex I guess)), and when they flinch it will be so motherfucking hilarious (no idea why. *shrugs*).
-Ask them to a dance/prom and then cancel at the last minute (I don't think people really do it anymore, just because they can't be stuffed, but in the old days I think they will drive by their house and laugh).

These are either based off stories I've heard from older relatives or nannies (a nanny is a caregiver) or celebrities experiences or movies or my own.

BTW not all boys are bad nor completely evil (but they do sometimes act strangely......).

This is called being "Rolled" when you cover someone's house/front yard in toilet paper, not ONLY boys do this, sometimes it's a laugh it off joke, but sometimes it is acutally a case of bullying, really depends who you are, who did it, and what kind of relationship you have between you and the person/people that did it:

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