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Sunday 13 November 2011

Yes, I'm am clumsy. No, I think I can handle this one.

So on Saturday, I was helping out at a wedding party. No one got married, because the people who it was for, their marriage was in like South East Asia on a beach.
And I was helping with the dishes. And it was our (our being = me and some other people I know) job to help with dishes. And some lady kept coming in and doing it herself. And I was the hired help. But if I walked off she'll be all "ALICE!! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!" (okay, maybe not that loud.)
And I'll be all "Well you're doing all the work, what am I supposed to do?" (I'd mumble that).
And then she will go "Well come here then." But it didn't go that way, I just waited until she gave someone a dish ready to be dried and I stole her spot. And then I moved onto drying the plates and then the cutlery. And since the cutlery was smaller it was like, easy to slip out of the tea towel that I was using to dry them.
I think things slipped out at least two times, maximum three. Next we moved onto drying the serving plates. And I was drying a kind of heavy, china, bowlish-plate thing. And we needed a place to put the clean, dry serving plates. So my workmate was clearing up the space, and I was still cleaning the heavy plate-ish - bowl thing, not because it was still wet, but there was nowhere to put it. And my (other) workmate took it off me and said "Mum will be so mad if this broke." Are you implying that I will break this plate? Yes, I know, I'm clumsy. But I not going to go breaking your mothers plate. I think I am more careful than that.
And we all (well most of us) got into an argument about a babysitting job I was going to do. And even though one of my (other (so far unmentioned)) workmates seemed to be arguing against me, I was actually on her side. The workmate who took the big heavy bowl-plate off me was kind of standing up for me, but not really (kind of more for herself). And then the unmentioned workmate and I cleared up about things we said that might've heard differently, sounded how it wasn't meant to (since we were kind of versing each other, but also kind of on the same side). But my unmentioned workmate spent most of the rest of that session mad at bowl-plate stealer.

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