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Saturday 25 June 2011

The pet peeve(s) I didn't know I had until yesterday

Pet Peeve 1) Carefree parents/people.
Yesterday, I was running late to the movies, and a two women drove in a parking spot, and one went into the dairy that was next to the bus stop, and left the door WIDE open, and a two year old son was on the passenger seat! I had to keep telling  myself, the women in the drivers seat was holding him. But here is where my pet peeve (OCD if you want exaggerate) got worse, SHE WAS LAUGHING! Laughing! It was simply taunting! I just wanted just that damn car door on her face. ARGH!
Pet peeve 2) Being over-dramatic
I've always had this pet peeve, but I'd never thought it would bother me during a movie.
My friend has always been a dramatic person (and yet she doesn't aspire to become an actress), but she kept saying things like 'No!', 'Davis, Davis!' (that was one of the main characters names), 'Isn't it beautiful?' during the film. And the word beautiful has always bothered me for unexplainable reasons that only make sense in my head. And this movie was filled with violence, so she said 'No!' a lot.
Pet Peeves that have ALWAYS bothered me:
People that always interupt your conversations they were never involved in, but when ever you interupt their conversation with your opinoun that you thought was helpful they will claim you are 'eavesdropping' (if you know you do that, I hate you, and I feel sorry for everyone that knows you).
People that accuse you of being jealous when your trying to proctect your friend from a guy (trust me it has happened to me before, and I was blocking him because she ASKED me to, now I look back on it, I should've left her to handle it herself).
Homophobs, need I say more?
People that shove their religon down your throat, I already have my religon. Would like it if I shoved MY religon down your throat? No didn't think so.
People who like twilight.
Disney Stars who try and transition their careers.
People who text during films. I do not care if your phone is on silent, you are here watch a film.
People who leave the theatre in the middle of a film to take a piss/crap. You might miss an important part! A funny part! I hold on. Believe it or not I have held 1 litre within my through an intire film (but as soon as it was over, I sprinted to the bathroom).
People who actually think they have a chance of dating a celebrity.
People who chase Justin Bieber. Do you do that to the hot guy at school? I didn't think so.... Unless you're really strange....
People who call athiests satanists. Athiests don't believe god exist. Satanists do.... they just don't like him that much.
People who call Lady Gaga a satanist, I don't know what religion she is, but I don't think it's Satan.
People who use the words 'Homo' or 'gay' as an insult.

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