Tuesday 19 July 2011

Sorted into Gryffindor.

Took two quizzes. But if I wasn't in Gryffindor, I'll be in Hufflepuff.
But I say, take all the Hufflepuffs and plop them in Gryffindor, because they are pretty brave I thought in the last film.

The reasons I would more likely to be in Gryffindor:
1) Gryffindors are pretty daring. I am pretty daring in what I say (to be honest), and what I wear.
2) I feel too bold too be in Hufflepuff. They just blend in.
3) I am not a shy person. Not meaning like a flirty person, but I'm loud and out spoken.

Although Hufflepuff came in with a close second...
Even though I'm loud, and bold, doesn't prevent me from being quiet. Or kind. Gryffindors do tend to be kind, which I am. Which Hufflepuff is also kind. But Gryffindors do tend to have tempers. Not only do Ron, Harry and Hermione have tempers (I have proof), but so do Ginny, Cormac McLaggen and Seamus Finnigan. And that random guy who asked Harry to talk about Cedric (*cough Cedward cough*) Diggory's death in the 5th movie (and book?).

The listings:
1) I would be in Gryffindor
2) If not, Hufflepuff
3) If not either of those Ravenclaw
4) And Lord Voldemort's plan fell through I would be in Slytherin

My Brother's Results:
1) Ravenclaw
2) Hufflepuff
3) Gryffindor
4) Slytherin

We did a quiz thing (I actually did it two different ones and got Gryffindor both times). My brother isn't like a lot like me (well in appearance and voice over the phone we are quite a like). My brother is very quiet in some ways. Otherways very loud. I am very bold (like I said).
Kind of hard to explain.

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